My name is Anthony Johnson Jr., I am a passionate gamer and aspiring Level Designer. My love for games like Counter-Strike and Men of War: Assault Squad 2 sparked a deep interest in level design. I strive to design levels that not only enhance the gameplay but also make the most of the game’s mechanics to offer players an enjoyable experience. My process involves sketching concepts on paper, developing digital iterations, and collaborating with artists and designers to bring my visions to life. I’m dedicated to crafting immersive experiences and love working with teams to enhance gameplay.
Outside of game development, I have many other interests, one of which is hiking. I love exploring the great outdoors with my dog and friends. Spending quality time with friends is important to me because it helps improve my social skills and creates unforgettable memories with the people I value most. I also maintain a consistent workout schedule from Monday to Saturday, making Sunday my rest day. Lastly, I've recently starting getting more into reading. primarily star wars books, as i really enjoy the universe.
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