Role: Level Designer
Software: Unreal Engine for Fortnite (UEFN)
The player starts with 50 health and learns is how to use the Typhoon sword, harpoon gun, and keycard usage. A health power up is given to explain it's usage, as well as a shield power up later on. Numerous checkpoints are passthrough to help with progression, once the player respawns they are given the health they had prior and respawns enemies.
Learning segment
Now that the player has a solid understanding of the game mechanics, they are then tested again but with the introduction of lava, "Grunts" and a "Reg". This is to slightly challenge the player an introduce new elements. The shield power up and a power up that combines both health and shield are also introduced.
Difficulty increase
Next is the introduction to the "Heavy" who has more health and has a better weapon. The "Heavy" is accompanied by two "Grunts" to show a clear difference between the two enemy types.
Heavy Enemy
After defeating the "Heavy" players are introduced to the "Handler." Learning that if a "Handler" is defeated, it will close off the "Fiend Spawner." The final power up, being a double damage multiplier is also introduce.
Handler and Fiend Spawner
The following area challenges the player to fully utilize the movement, which creates a more dynamic experience. The player then descends to the prep room where their given two power ups to help prepare themselves for the boss fight. In the fight are previous elements that the player has encounter but in a single large area.
Dynamic area
Boss fight intro
The player is given the choice to fight the boss immediately, risking interference from surrounding enemies, or take a strategic approach by eliminating two "Handlers" first. Defeating the "Handlers" make the next attempt significantly easier.
Decision making
In the boss fight are two locked doors that require keycards that reward the player with power ups if unlocked. This encourages players explore the surrounding area. After defeating the boss the door to the vault opens, triggering a win screen.
Defeating the boss
As the player explores the level there are 40+ triggers that involve the spawning of enemies, keycards, power ups, tutorial message pop ups, change between music and saving the player health stats.
Comparison and layout changes

Final Thoughts
After 3 weeks of hard work, I'm happy with the level. I feel that it has a good flow, dynamic layout and complements the game mechanics that I picked out. A lot of testing, problem solving and brainstorming was done to get to this point. As for now this is a good baseline for Hack and Slash.
Use this Fortnite code to play: 8452-6398-2815