Role: Level Designer
Software: Unreal Engine 5

Walkthrough for Digital Sketch V2 

The idea behind this map was to introduce a fresh mechanic and gameplay style. One unique feature that sets this map apart is the inclusion of an elevator, a mechanic not found in any other Valorant map. The elevator transports players from mid to the B site, adding a new layer of verticality and strategy. 
In terms of style, I aimed to design something innovative by placing each bombsite on different levels. This layout encourages players to think more strategically, as they must account for the vertical separation and how it impacts positioning, rotations, and engagements. The result is a dynamic and refreshing gameplay experience that challenges players to adapt.
Pencil and Paper Sketch
Pencil and Paper Sketch
Digital Sketch V1
Digital Sketch V1
Overview V1
Overview V1
In the initial pencil and paper sketched, I revised the bottom left section of the map because defenders had a clear line of sight across from the stairs, making it too easy to spot attackers. I also reworked the B bombsite, which initially felt too cramped, to allow for more strategic movement. Similarly, mid was adjusted as it had too many angles for players to track, leading to a more compact and overwhelming experience. A site for the most part, remained unchanged, though i made slight adjustments to the spacing and repositioned some boxes to give players more room to maneuver and engage in tactical gameplay.

Digital Sketch V2

Overview v2

In the second version of the digital sketch, I made several key changes. Starting with B main, the initial version had too much open space, making it difficult for attackers. The layout still needs adjustments, as defenders currently have a clear line of sight from the back of B site. To address this, the site requires additional cover to reduce exposure when attackers first swing the corner leading to B. I also added a window, giving players an alternate entry point or an angle to use utility or fight from, adding more tactical options.

Development for digital Sketch v1

Overall, I followed the correct process in making iterations to the map design, keeping player movement and utility usage in mind. I was pleased to identify design flaws early on, which helped improve the layout. However, the scaling the blockout wasn't perfect, and I lacked a way to truly test the map in-game, which are areas that need further refinement. To improve, I would focus on correcting B main and any other areas needing adjustments, then design the map using in-game software like the hammer editor since Counter Strike is the closes to Valorant. This would allow for proper testing and help identify any new issues that may arise during actual gameplay.

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