Role: Level designer
Software: Hammer Level Editor
I challenged myself to design De_Resort in just one week to test my ability to create a well rounded map that requires strategic gameplay. You can see the process of designing this map at 8:42 in the video on the left.
The layout of De_Resort isn't as complex as factory, but it still requires players to think strategically. For example, if the CTs lose control of mid, the Ts gain full access to B site, forcing CTs to defend two separate choke points. While strategy is essential, it primarily revolves around controlling mid and then branching off to other lanes. This is why I placed the most cover in mid, as it's where the majority of engagements are likely to occur.
B Site
B Site
CT Spawn
CT Spawn
A Site
A Site
T Spawn
T Spawn
Overall, I'm pleased with the visuals of De_Resort, it clearly captures the feel of a beachside resort. The bombsites and mid areas provide enough space for players to maneuver without feeling cramped. There are plenty of opportunities to use utility effectively for both attacking and defending. 
However, certain areas could be improved. The laundry room feels too compact and could benefit from more space, with better object placement to avoid clutter. Speaking of objects, some collisions should be disabled, particularly the small rocks in the grass at mid, which cause players to get stuck. Additionally, the long lane from a main to mid feels too empty and could use some cover to enhance gameplay. 
To improve the map, I would prioritize more playtesting, especially with real players rather than bots to gather better feedback. Adding more visual detail would also enhance the overall aesthetic of the level. Lastly, creating a more detailed sketch of key areas, like the restaurant and laundry, would help refine the layout further.

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