Role:  Game Designer
Software: Unity

Full playthrough

The idea for this game originated from a lecture by my professor, who presented is own project to the class as we prepared to create our own game from scratch. His game feature a player running from a slowly advancing lava wall while avoiding obstacles and enemies. This sparked my imagination, leading me to consider designing a platformer that involves a faster paced chase.
Given the three month timeframe we had to complete and present out game, i brainstormed ways to keep the concept manageable. I envisioned a boss that chases the player while allowing them to fight back by collecting coins. This mechanic not only creates an engaging gameplay loop but also makes it easy to increase the difficulty by adding hazardous objects and adjusting the boss's speed.     
No official sketches were created but progression videos were a big part to see the development process. 

Progress 1

Progress 2

Progress 3

Progress 4

I'm pleased with how I brought my initial idea to life, staying true to the gameplay loop I envisioned and ensuring the game played out as intended within the given three month time frame. The visuals I selected also added to the overall experience, complementing the fast pace platforming.
However, I Identified some areas for improvement, particularly with the introduction of new mechanics. For instance, when players first encounter moving platforms, they are only given one safe opportunity to interact with with them before facing a high stakes challenge where missing a platform results in falling into a void. In hindsight, the entire level should have been a safe environment to allow players to fully understand how the platforms function before introducing voids in the following levels. Additionally, the level jumps from easy to extremely difficult within a few levels, mainly due to the limited number of levels available in the game. 
To improve the game, I would make a level sketches to better plan layouts rather then placing objects randomly. This approach would also help with the smoother introduction of new mechanics, ensuring better game flow. Furthermore, I'd Include additional levels to spread out the overall difficultly of the game.    

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